Loin and Mona (Lisa)
Dear Mrs Verma,
Do forgive me - I have been a wicked old tease, haven't I? Leaving you high and dry over the weekend, when I know that reading about my life is the high point of your humdrum day (and life)!
I've had quite an eventful three days (a friend's birthday dinner, another friend over for lunch, hitting the gym, the expedition to Markham, a bit of a romp teehee etc.), but what I really want to tell you all about is the fun I had on Saturday night, when patidev and I went for couple's painting! I was almost hoping for it to be one of those arty-farty places where they cover you in paint, and then you roll around together on a large canvas to create your very own work of art. I did suggest that to the better half, and he looked completely aghast. He was also against the idea of painting me like one of Leo Dicaprio's "French Girls". I've suggested he change his name to Prudence McPrude! When, Mrs Verma, am I ever going to be able to use the short silk robe I bought in Italy?
So a few days before V-Day (Valentine's Day, of course ... not Verma-Day haha), I had bought this deal for something called "Painting With Bae", which offered couples the opportunity to paint together while sipping on champagne. Well, posh person that I am, I couldn't miss the chance, could I? So tickets bought, we headed to The Paint Cabin on Saturday evening.
It was a little bit of a trek to Gerrard East from our place, but we arrived well in time, and were directed to hang up our coats, put on our aprons (patidev made some comment about me cooking wearing only the apron! ... perhaps there is hope for him after all ... or maybe it's the effect of him speaking to Mr Verma earlier in the day?) and pick an image from which to paint. Settling in with my glass of champagne, and a strong coffee for him, we picked out two abstract-ish images. We were given about 2 minutes of instruction, and ready with pallets, paint, brushes and blank canvasses, off we went!
I have to say, it didn't start out easy for me (NO Mrs Verma, this has nothing to do with my lack of any artistic talent! I'll have you know that I played "White Bunny Searching For Carrot" with great aplomb at the British High Commission's fancy dress fete in 1988 thank you very much)! I just think that being the perfectionist that I am, I was trying to stick to my chosen image a little too closely and not letting my carefree nature shine through.
Anyhow, as the evening progressed, and perhaps once I started to un-clench as I became more comfortable with the canvas (and co-incidentally, but nor correlatedly, as the champagne glass emptied), I started to enjoy it a lot more and played around with different colors and brushes and palette knives and what not! Patidev, on the other hand, was being his usual precise self and painting some sort of perfect rose-garden or something, while muttering about how the stems weren't exactly straight!
In any case, after about 2 hours or so, we had both finished (now now Mrs Verma, I'm still talking about the Saturday painting, and not the Monday romp teehee again) with what I thought were quite masterful paintings. I'll let you decide for yourself, of course ...
Aren't they lovely?
I giddily sent the images to the older sister, who, nasty harpy that she is, responded with a "Hahahahahaha your skyline sucks". Hmph ... what does she know!
All in all, it was a really fun evening (even with the very loud pack of hyenas that were painting next to us), and I think the Paint Cabin deserves 4 belans out of 5!
I've got more to tell you about the dinner that followed, but let me do that another day. For now, I think I am going to contemplate making some pakodas on this very rainy day (and week, if the weatherman is to be believed) in Toronto.
I hope you have linked your Aadhaar card to the dhobi? Please don't forget in order to continue to avail his services!
Do forgive me - I have been a wicked old tease, haven't I? Leaving you high and dry over the weekend, when I know that reading about my life is the high point of your humdrum day (and life)!
I've had quite an eventful three days (a friend's birthday dinner, another friend over for lunch, hitting the gym, the expedition to Markham, a bit of a romp teehee etc.), but what I really want to tell you all about is the fun I had on Saturday night, when patidev and I went for couple's painting! I was almost hoping for it to be one of those arty-farty places where they cover you in paint, and then you roll around together on a large canvas to create your very own work of art. I did suggest that to the better half, and he looked completely aghast. He was also against the idea of painting me like one of Leo Dicaprio's "French Girls". I've suggested he change his name to Prudence McPrude! When, Mrs Verma, am I ever going to be able to use the short silk robe I bought in Italy?
So a few days before V-Day (Valentine's Day, of course ... not Verma-Day haha), I had bought this deal for something called "Painting With Bae", which offered couples the opportunity to paint together while sipping on champagne. Well, posh person that I am, I couldn't miss the chance, could I? So tickets bought, we headed to The Paint Cabin on Saturday evening.
It was a little bit of a trek to Gerrard East from our place, but we arrived well in time, and were directed to hang up our coats, put on our aprons (patidev made some comment about me cooking wearing only the apron! ... perhaps there is hope for him after all ... or maybe it's the effect of him speaking to Mr Verma earlier in the day?) and pick an image from which to paint. Settling in with my glass of champagne, and a strong coffee for him, we picked out two abstract-ish images. We were given about 2 minutes of instruction, and ready with pallets, paint, brushes and blank canvasses, off we went!
I have to say, it didn't start out easy for me (NO Mrs Verma, this has nothing to do with my lack of any artistic talent! I'll have you know that I played "White Bunny Searching For Carrot" with great aplomb at the British High Commission's fancy dress fete in 1988 thank you very much)! I just think that being the perfectionist that I am, I was trying to stick to my chosen image a little too closely and not letting my carefree nature shine through.
Anyhow, as the evening progressed, and perhaps once I started to un-clench as I became more comfortable with the canvas (and co-incidentally, but nor correlatedly, as the champagne glass emptied), I started to enjoy it a lot more and played around with different colors and brushes and palette knives and what not! Patidev, on the other hand, was being his usual precise self and painting some sort of perfect rose-garden or something, while muttering about how the stems weren't exactly straight!
In any case, after about 2 hours or so, we had both finished (now now Mrs Verma, I'm still talking about the Saturday painting, and not the Monday romp teehee again) with what I thought were quite masterful paintings. I'll let you decide for yourself, of course ...
Aren't they lovely?
I giddily sent the images to the older sister, who, nasty harpy that she is, responded with a "Hahahahahaha your skyline sucks". Hmph ... what does she know!
All in all, it was a really fun evening (even with the very loud pack of hyenas that were painting next to us), and I think the Paint Cabin deserves 4 belans out of 5!
I've got more to tell you about the dinner that followed, but let me do that another day. For now, I think I am going to contemplate making some pakodas on this very rainy day (and week, if the weatherman is to be believed) in Toronto.
I hope you have linked your Aadhaar card to the dhobi? Please don't forget in order to continue to avail his services!
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